People love their lush green lawns in the spring, summer, and early fall. However, it takes a bit of work in the late fall in order to maintain a healthy lawn when the spring weather rolls back around. Winterizer treatment is the key to a healthy spring lawn and one of the very best methods to keep your lawn healthy through the cold and harsh winter months is to winterize it. Our winterizer treatment includes fertilizing the lawn. Although the vast majority of homeowners are under the false impression that spring is the most important time of the year to fertilize, it’s actually immediately before the winter hits.

That means right now is the best time to have your lawn fertilized. The hot summer sun is stressful on your lawn. However, the cooler temperatures in the fall enable your grass to regain its strength. In essence, the late fall is the most important time to fertilize because there is a high level of morning dew in the fall. The morning dew delivers much needed moisture that helps your lawn absorb the fertilizer. In addition, fertilizing in the fall provides your lawn with an opportunity to build stamina prior the winter weather setting in. Fertilizing in the fall also supports healthy root growth, which provides you with a lush green lawn in the spring.

The bottom line is that fall is the best time of year to feed your lawn for sustained health. At this point you may be curious as to when you should have fertilizer applied to your lawn in the fall? Your best bet is to have it done anywhere from 2-3 weeks prior to the ground freezing. Although it may be a bit difficult to pinpoint an exact date, a professional landscaping company that specializes in lawn winterizer treatments will be well aware of when the ground is supposed to freeze for the season. A general rule of thumb is anywhere from mid October to mid November.

You may also be asking yourself when exactly is the best time of the day to fertilize your lawn? The answer is simple. The morning or early evening is the best time of day to fertilize your lawn. That way you will avoid the warmer temperatures during the heat of the day. It should be noted that warmer temperatures actually work against the fertilizer process. In addition, you should mow the lawn before you fertile it. It’s important to leave some grass clippings in order to help strengthen the roots. Always check the weather forecast first. You do not want to fertilize right before a heavy rainstorm because the water can wash away the fertilizer. 

If you’re interested in getting more information about our winterizer treatment, please contact us today. We will provide you with the best advice about how to properly take care of your lawn during the end of the fall season. Hiring a professional will go a long way in helping you avoid mistakes that waste a great deal of time and money. In addition, we have the ability to properly evaluate your property and truly understand the steps that it takes to complete the project on time and on budget.

Please contact The Veron Company today with any and all questions about our vast array of home services, and your landscape design needs. We have a full crew of trained and experienced professionals to handle the job for you. Our company has been concentrating on maximizing your home’s potential since 1982.