Have you ever wanted to have the best house on the block? You can have the house that all the neighbors drive by and look at whimsically because of the brilliant holiday lights. It is possible to turn your home into a gingerbread house of lights.

Spread the Cheer, Light Em Up Bright This Year!

If your holiday lighting collection includes three strings of icicle lights and one string of red and green, that’s kind of sad. Why wouldn’t you want to light up your home? This is your castle, the place you put your heart into, the place where you family is. You should celebrate your home this holiday season.

Lighting Options

If you have ever wondered where you would add extra lights consider these options:

Light up roof lines
Lights illuminating archways
Lights illuminating the mailbox
Light the walkway and mulch beds
Hang globe lights or large stars in the trees
Decorate some of the trees in the woods with lights
Decorate the shrubs

What Part of This Gives you a Headache?

You may think that lights are nice and festive, but there is no way that you will have time to hang them. With baking, decorating inside, sending out cards and wrapping gifts, not to mention going to work, when will you have the time?

The answer is, you do not have to have the time. When you call The Veron Company’s HO HO hotline our elves will schedule a free estimate. You can come up with all the ideas or leave it to our elves and we will install it, take it down and be there if a light goes out.

Lighting it up bright does not have to cost you a fortune. With green LED options you can save money and electricity. LED lights work at cooler temperatures, last longer and use much less energy. From rope lights to posts, LED is the way to be.

Spread the Cheer, Light Em Up Bright This Year!

Holiday lighting is for you, your family and friends. Spread the joy!