Safety and Snow Event Management is all about managing the risk and preventing slip and fall injuries. As with many areas of life, planning and preparation are the successful tools in quality outcomes.

The process of managing a snow event begins early on when the leaves are still green and the bees are still buzzing. The process continues to be monitored and evaluated through each storm event and even after the storm has passed. Through years of experience with New England Winters, our teams can provide a top quality plan for your property.

The Veron Company Snow Strategy

Pre-Storm Planning

  • Site evaluation, video, photographs and assessment
  • Design site-specific maps identifying snow storage locations
  • Extensive training with snow personnel
  • Track weather through our in-house meteorologist
  • Assign properties to team for individualized attention and quick access for our clients

During The Storm

  • Maintain high level of communication with our crews and clients
  • Frequent inspections of properties through executive snow management team
  • Continually monitor the weather for changes and the duration of storm
  • Ensure all quality and safety procedures are in place and being utilized

After the Storm

  • Assessment of damage due to storm
  • Review of incident reports and follow up
  • Consult customer for any feedback on operations from the storm
  • Certified billing for accurate snow fall amounts
  • And begin preparation for the next event!