Part 2 of 2: Is Your Landscaping Suffering From Summer Lawn Stress?

If you’re summer grass is brown even though you’re watering it on a regular basis it’s important to find out what is causing the summer lawn stress. Otherwise you’re taking the risk of having your lawn die on you. In part 1 of 2 of this article we covered one of the reasons why your lawn is turning brown this summer. The conclusion of this article covers the rest of the reasons why your landscaping is suffering from summer lawn stress. The next cause may very well be dormant grass.

Did you know that grass could actually go dormant as a natural survival method during hot and dry conditions? This can even happen to both warm season and cold season grasses. The bottom line is that if your grass is not receiving enough water it will grow slower. The blades of grass may remain green, however they will be a lighter, duller shade of green. Grass often turns brown during extended stages of drought. If your city or town has implemented lawn-watering restrictions due to the drought, then you need to pay careful attention here.

If your grass has turned brown because you’re not allowed to water it or are only allowed to water it on certain days, the brown grass does not mean it’s dead. Your grass has gone into a dormant state, much like it does in the winter. Here’s where you need to be careful. Do not irrigate your lawn unless you’re able to water it for the entire remainder of the summer. In essence, if your grass moves in and out of dormancy it significantly reduces the grass roots of food reserves. That makes the grass highly vulnerable to further stresses that are detrimental to the overall health of your lawn.

The bottom line is you should keep your lawn in the dormant state until you can water again on a regular basis. Keep in mind that once the water restrictions are lifted it may take up to 3-4 weeks of regular watering to bring the turn back to green. In addition, you need to avoid the temptation to over water your lawn, as it won’t speed up the recovery period. Another reason why your lawn may have turned brown this summer may be due to inspect infestation.

You may very well need a professional pest control service to fix this situation. On the same note, your lawn may turn brown because it’s suffering from a variety of lawn related diseases. If that’s the case, you will also need a professional lawn care service to fix the issue.

If you’re interested in getting more information about the basic of summer lawn care, please contact us today. We will provide you with the best advice about how to avoid summer lawn stress. Hiring a professional will go a long way in helping you avoid mistakes that waste a great deal of time and money. In addition, we have the ability to properly evaluate your property and truly understand the steps that it takes to complete the project on time and on budget.

Please contact The Veron Company today with any and all questions about our vast array of home services, and your landscape design needs. We have a full crew of trained and experienced professionals to handle the job for you. Our company has been concentrating on maximizing your home’s potential since 1982.