Last year was mild as far as snow goes. We did have a few messy storms which could mean we are in for a severe winter this year. When the ice and snow hits, you want to have a partner in snow removal. If you have small children at home, or run a small business you do not want to be snowed in. This winter, you should have your emergency storm service in place.

Before the Blanket of White

When the first flakes hit the air, it’s too late. You need to partner with someone now to prepare for the winter season. In the late fall a professional will come out and survey your land. Making maps of the landscape prior to the snowfall will help when it comes time to remove the snow.

Waiting until your parking lot is a blanket of white will make it difficult to know where the curbs are especially at 5am. Working with a site manager we will map out snow storage, suggest ways to mark the curb and timing of the plow team. This will enable you to sleep well if it’s really coming down out there.

Snow is Heavy

Taking care of your roof is as important as taking care of your driveway. You do not want your family or friends to be slipping on your roof trying to remove the heavy wet snow. This can be extremely dangerous. You want to have an emergency storm service team ready to remove the snow.

Problems that you may run into when there is snow on the roof in excess of 12 inches:

  • Ice forming on the gutters
  • Gutters pulling away from the roof
  • Shingles can be pulled off
  • Rooftops can sag and then cave in

Working with a professional company means you will be prepared ahead of time for the snow and ice. An inspection of your gutters and shingles will be done to be sure they are in good condition before the storm. When the time comes to safely remove the snow there will be no structural damage to the roof.

Prevent a Fall

Slipping in the winter leads to strains, sprains and broken bones. The walkway to your car or a walkway to your store needs to be clear of snow and ice. A slip and fall accident can result in serious legal actions. Prevent this from happening by scheduling magic salt, snow blower teams and pre-treating measures.

Magic salt is magic because it works faster. The salt is biodegradable and works at colder temperatures than traditional rock salt. The benefit of the makeup of this salt is that it neutralizes rust instead of fostering it. Even a quarter inch of snow can cause an accident; magic will keep that from happening.

Stay Safe This Winter

Developing your emergency storm services will give you peace of mind for winter. You know that your family and your clients will be in good hands.