Has your once green and lush lawn at your commercial property in Marlborough, MA turned yellow or even brown this summer? If so, you’re certainly not alone. Many property owners in the area find themselves in the same situation. It’s not your fault. The problem stems from the fact that this summer has been incredibly hot and there has been little rain. That has caused a water shortage that’s preventing property owners from properly watering their lawns. Although it may feel like the end of the line for your once glorious grass, it’s not time to panic. There are actually a few ways that we can revive your lawn.

Step 1: Dethatch The Lawn

We will rake over your lawn in order to allow both air and water to penetrate the grass. In essence, thatch is a layer of plant materials, such as dead tree leaves, that decompose over time. The bottom line is that the thatch builds up on the surface of the soil and can choke the grass. If the thatch becomes any thicker than half an inch, it prevents the lawn from getting enough water, nutrients and air. In addition, thatch prevents the development of healthy roots, and also can make your lawn vulnerable to both diseases and insect invasion.

Step 2: Aerate The Soil

Air simply cannot properly penetrate when the lawn is too thick, and the soil is too dense. That will eventually kill the lawn at your commercial building. When we aerate the soil it goes a long way in preventing this from occurring. In essence, aerating enables water, nutrients, and air to reach the roots of your lawn. Aerating basically consists of punching holes in the grass that are approximately five or six inches deep.

Step 3: Kill The Weeds

Did you know that weeds, including dandelions, can pop up fast? In essence, they feed on water and any moisture that’s available in the ground. When the weeds are growing in or near the lawn at your commercial property, it forces the lawn into a war of survival. That means there is a lot less water for the grass to live on. We will not only remove the weeds, we’re going to pull them out by the root so they don’t grow back any time soon.

To Be Continued….

If you’re interested in getting more information about our solutions that will help revive the lawn at your commercial property and enhance your grounds in Marlborough, MA or would like to schedule an initial consultation please contact The Veron Company today. We will provide you with the best advice about how to properly take care of your commercial and residential landscaping on a year-round basis. Hiring a professional will go a long way in helping you avoid mistakes that waste a great deal of time and money. In addition, we have the ability to properly evaluate your property and truly understand the steps that it takes to complete the project on time and on budget.

Please contact The Veron Company today with any and all questions about our vast array of home services, and your landscape design needs. We have a full crew of trained and experienced professionals to handle the job for you. Our company has been concentrating on maximizing your home’s potential since 1982.