Lawn & Tree Care

A Great Looking Lawn Requires a Great Level of Care!

At The Veron Company, we pride ourselves on providing quality lawn and tree care services for over 35 years. It is with this devotion to quality and service that we can proudly meet your lawn care needs. We understand the importance of your home and want to reassure you that we will treat your lawn as if it were our own.

100% ORGANIC Lawn Care

Keeping it green in more ways than one!
Organic lawn care is more than just using natural products. We have spent years figuring out the best way for your lawn to reach its full genetic potential without the use of harsh chemicals. Chemicals proven to cause harmful long term side effects on our families and pets are not necessary to have a healthy landscape. Not only will your lawn stay a nice dark green even during times of stress but you can also count on the fact that by using organic products you are doing the right thing for the environment.